Selected Database Tables

Table of contents

   Records table
   Names table
      How to expose ACIS database for Person Identification Aid

ACIS creates and maintains a number of database tables. These tables are needed for system’s work, but can be used for additional purposes.

Records table

Contains basic information about each personal record currently maintained through the system. Database name: as configured in main.conf via acis-db-name, table name: records.

Columns: shortid, id, owner, userdata_file, namelast, namefull, profile_url, emailmd5.

column type description
shortid char(10) not null primary key record’s short-id
id char(130) not null record’s identifier
owner char(110) not null login name (email address) of the user, who owns the record; shall not be accessible to the outside world
userdata_file char(200) binary not null full absolute path to the userdata file, where the record is stored; shall not be accessible to the outside world
namelast char(70) not null name of the person in the form “Lastname, Firstname” with optional middle name and suffix following
namefull char(70) not null full name of the person as user entered it on the name screen; usually “Firstname Middlename Lastname”
profile_url char(100) binary not null default "" absolute URL of the personal profile page (on the site of the installation)
homepage char(130) binary not null default "" URL of the personal homepage, if known
emailmd5 char(16) binary not null default "" 128 bit MD5 digest of the person’s email in lower case, if it is known; empty string otherwise. Calculated as:
require Digest::MD5;
my $emailmd5 = Digest::MD5::md5( lc $email );

Names table

Contains name variations of each personal record currently maintained through the system. Database name: as configured in main.conf via acis-db-name, table name: names.

Columns: shortid, name, probability.

column type description
shortid char(10) not null record’s short-id
name char(100) not null personal name variation
probability tinyint unsigned not null reserved for future use; currently always equals 255

An index: PRIMARY KEY ( shortid, name )


How to expose ACIS database for Person Identification Aid

This is needed to allow a document submission service to search the personal records database (and offer matching items for user to select).

Given the fact that ACIS uses MySQL for database, and MySQL is a network-capable system, and includes an authorization/authentication subsystem, it’s most simple to use these features. It is in the power of the ACIS administrator to make a particular database table accessible to another user on the net.

To open access to the needed database tables, ACIS administrator have to:

  1. Configure his MySQL server to listen to a network TCP port on the machine; ensure the server port is accessible from the submission service machine. (May involve changes to a firewall configuration.)

    Usual default configuration of MySQL enables TCP network access on port 3306. You may check or change it in your /etc/my.cnf or /etc/mysql/my.cnf file.

  2. Create a new MySQL user with a password for a submission service to use. Give to this new user SELECT privilege on certain fields of the records table and on the names table. Here is what statements to run:

    GRANT SELECT (shortid,id,namelast,namefull,profile_url,homepage,emailmd5)
      ON acisDatabase.records
      TO IDENTIFIED BY "goblin";
      ON acisDatabase.names

    Here acisDatabase is the database name (the acis-db-name parameter in main.conf), is the name of the user and its hostname (name of the host from which it will contact our database), goblin is its password. You can run these statements in MySQL’s mysql terminal utility. You will need administrator’s privileges.

    If the above does not work, and you can’t get database connected (error message “Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client”), read that. Depending on your MySQL server version and client libraries your remedy may be in these statements:

    UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('goblin')
      WHERE Host = '' AND User = 'frank';
  3. Send the hostname (local host where ACIS and MySQL are installed), the port number (e.g. 3306), the database name (e.g. acisDatabase), the user name (e.g. frank), the password (e.g. goblin) to the submission service administrator. (These items are collectively referred to as “MySQL access parameters” in Saskatoon doc.)

Relevant pieces of MySQL documentation online: