ACIS Manual: The Screens, Configuration, Other related resources, По-русски про ACIS, Some issues in the ongoing work on ACIS.

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Previous: Contributions Profile. Next: Registration Completed screen.

Confirmation email sent screen

Last step of the registration process.

An email with further instructions were sent to your email address.

Will contain a link to Service Homepage page.

In the email there will be simple instructions to finish the initial registration: users will have two options: to click the link in the email body or to reply to that message, while preserving its subject line, which is automatic in most email clients.

The link in this confirmation email will lead the user to the Registration Completed screen.

This is Confirmation email sent screen. It is part of The Screens, which is part of ACIS Manual.

It is mentioned in: Contributions Profile.

Persistent URL:

It is referenced from: Contributions Profile.