Automatic installation
Manual installation
1. Copy perl code and other files
2. Modify page template to
include pidaid.js and pidaid.css
3. Make sure id field for authors and
editors is enabled
4. Set appropriate label for the id
5. Patch EPrints::EPrint: enable AMF export
6. Archive configuration: AMF export
7. Archive configuration: ACIS::PIDAID
8. Archive configuration: ACIS metadata
9. Install libwww-perl library
The primary way to install these extensions onto an EPrints
service is to use the
script in the
directory of ACIS. Give the path to your
EPrints archive directory as a parameter to that script and
follow the instructions. For example:
$ cd ACIS-1.2.3-20051010d/EPrints
$ perl /opt/eprints2/archive/Archive
In case the automatic installation script fails at some step of the process, you may have to do part of it by yourself.
For all the levels.
This includes copying sql_helper, EPrints/{perl_lib,cgi}, AMF-perl, EPrints/{pidaid.*,images} to appropriate directories of your EPrints.
It is unlikely that any problem appears during automatic installation at this step. What may happen is that the release does not contain AMF-perl package, and, therefore, it cannot be installed.
For person identification aid (level 3).
Open your archive’s cfg/template-en.xml
file in a
text editor. Add references to pidaid.js and to pidaid.css
into the template.
It may now look like this:
<html xmlns=""
<title>&archivename; - <ep:pin ref="title" textonly="yes" /></title>
<style style="text/css" media="screen">
@import url(&base_url;/eprints.css);
@import url(&base_url;/pidaid.css); /* PIDAID */
<style style="text/css" media="print">
@import url(&base_url;/eprints.css);
@import url(&base_url;/pidaid.css); /* PIDAID */
@import url(&base_url;/print.css);
<!-- and PIDAID JavaScript: -->
<script type='text/javascript' src='&base_url;/pidaid.js' />
<link rel="Top" href="&frontpage;" />
Save the file.
For level 2: person id metadata field and level 3: person identification aid.
Open your archive’s
find the line which says
$fields->{eprint} = [
near below it find the line, which starts with
{ name => "creators", type => "name",
and make sure hasid
parameter in this
block is set to 1. The block will look like this:
{ name => "creators", type => "name", multiple => 1, input_boxes => 4,
hasid => 1, input_id_cols=>20,
family_first=>1, hide_honourific=>1, hide_lineage=>1 },
Do the same for the “editors” field. Here the block starts with
{ name => "editors", type => "name"
Again, the hasid
parameter should have value
For level 2: person id metadata field and level 3: person identification aid.
By default, the personal id field in EPrints has label “Creators email (if known)”. We will use this field for personal identifiers and email addresses alternatively. So we suggest to change this field’s label to “Id or email”.
To do that edit the phrases-en.xml
file in your
archive’s configuration directory. Find and modify the
<ep:phrase> items identified
. The first one
looks like this:
<ep:phrase ref="eprint_fieldname_creators_id">Creators email (if known)</ep:phrase>
Replace the text in both phrase elements with “Id or email”. The first of the two will now look like this:
<ep:phrase ref="eprint_fieldname_creators_id">Id or email</ep:phrase>
Save the file.
For exporting eprints metadata (level 1) and to notify an ACIS service about new/modified document data in your EPrints (level 4).
Open file perl_lib/EPrints/
in your EPrints
installation directory. Find subroutine
and add this after the
initial “my( $self ) = @_;”:
require ACIS::EPrints::MetadataExport::AMF;
ACIS::EPrints::MetadataExport::AMF::clear_metadata( $self );
Then find subroutine generate_static()
and find
this line in it:
my $ds_id = $self->{dataset}->id();
After this line add:
require ACIS::EPrints::MetadataExport::AMF;
if ( $ds_id eq 'archive' ) {
ACIS::EPrints::MetadataExport::AMF::export_metadata( $self );
Save the file.
For exporting eprints metadata (level 1) and to notify an ACIS service about new/modified document data in your EPrints (level 4).
Add these two configuration parameters to the archive
configuration in the get_conf()
subroutine of your
$c->{eprint_metadata_export_AMF_dir} = "/opt/eprints2/archives/Musasi/amf";
$c->{eprint_metadata_export_AMF_idprefix} = "Musasi:";
To suggest personal names and identifiers from an ACIS personal database to your EPrints users, while they submit works (level 3).
Obtain database access parameters from administrator of the ACIS service, which you want to use as the source of personal data.
Open your archive configuration file
in a text editor and add
$ACIS::PIDAID::CONF variable to the get_conf() subroutine,
and put the access parameters into it in this form:
host => '', # hostname of the ACIS machine
port => '9099', # MySQL port on the ACIS machine
db => 'ACIS', # name of the database in MySQL
user => 'peter', # username in MySQL terms
pass => 'jolly', # password
# max_results => '25', # max number of results to show, optional (def. 15)
Save the changes.
To automatically notify an ACIS service about new/modified data in your EPrints (level 4).
To configure ACIS metadata update you must already have a data-exchange agreement with an ACIS service. An arrangement must exists to regularly transfer the AMF metadata files from your EPrints to that ACIS. Then you need to get permission and an archive name to use for the metadata update requests; ACIS administrator will need to know your archive’s host machine IP address.
Open cfg/
in a text editor, and add
parameter to
the get_conf() subroutine. Its value must be a hash, and it
may look like this:
$c->{eprint_metadata_export_AMF_metaupdate} = {
# Full URL to send requests to (ACIS)
'request-target-url' => '',
# Your archive's id for ACIS
'archive-id' => 'michigan',
'log-filename' =>
# The directory level of the data files, as it is
# seen by the ACIS service
'object-dir-levels' => 1,
Explanataion of the first 3 parameters in a different document. Explanation of the last one parameter.
Save the file.
To automatically notify an ACIS service about new/modified data in your EPrints (level 4).
Get the distribution from CPAN: libwww-perl and install on your system. Follow installation instructions in the package.
Generated: Wed Aug 29 22:59:09 2007
ACIS project,