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Name and contact details

All the main general info about the user

Name details

Full person name, name components (first, middle, last names), and name variations.

The variations of the personal name will be searched for in the documents' metadata to find potential contributions.

Contact details

Email, homepage, postal address, phone number.

Your name

Your full name, required:

First name, required:

Middle name:

Last name, required:

The variations of your name, one per line:

Contact details

Email address (your login id). Must be a working address that you get email on. Required:

Include the email in my public profile

Your personal homepage, optional:

Your phone number, optional:

Your postal address, optional:

This is Name and contact details. It is part of The Screens, which is part of ACIS Manual.

It is mentioned in: Contributions Profile, Contributions Profile, Automatic update of the academic contributions profile.

Persistent URL:

It is referenced from: Contributions Profile, Contributions Profile, Automatic update of the academic contributions profile.