ACIS Manual: The Screens, Configuration, Other related resources, По-русски про ACIS, Some issues in the ongoing work on ACIS.

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Previous: Service Homepage. Next: Additional personal data screen: name variations and areas of interest.

New User Registration screen

Let user enter the account details, the name and contact details

This will ask the user to enter:

Ivan Kurmanov writes: I think we do not need to ask for a date. I think we don't need it to generate a handle and I think it will confuse users. It is included here on Thomas' insistance.

A checkbox "[ ] Include the email in my public profile", unchecked by default.

A [continue] button right below.

Upon successful completition this will lead to Additional personal data screen: name variations and areas of interest.

Login details

Email address (your login id). Must be a working address that you get email on. Required:

Include the email in my public profile

Password, required:

Password confirmation, required:

Your name

First name, required:

Middle name, optional:

Last name, required:


A date (for identification purposes), YYYY-MM-DD, optional:

Your personal homepage, optional:

This is New User Registration screen. It is part of The Screens, which is part of ACIS Manual.

It is mentioned in: Service Homepage, Веб-интерфейс - Интерактивная часть.

Persistent URL:

It is referenced from: Service Homepage, Веб-интерфейс - Интерактивная часть.