ACIS Manual: The Screens, Configuration, Other related resources, По-русски про ACIS, Some issues in the ongoing work on ACIS.

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Submit an Institution Info

If an Institution is not in the Institutions database, or if an institution record in the database is incorrect.

It will be a form with: institution name in its original language [required], institution name in English (optional), geographical location [required], website address [required] and email address (optional). When user completes the form, the data will be sent to the institutions database maintainer. The maintainer's email address must be configured in ACIS configuration.

It also can be used for sending corrected/changed information about an institution already in database.

A link back to Affiliation and Employment Profile.

This is Submit an Institution Info. It is part of The Screens, which is part of ACIS Manual.

It is mentioned in: Affiliation and Employment Profile.

Persistent URL:

It is referenced from: Affiliation and Employment Profile.