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Affiliation and Employment Profile

People affiliate with and work for institutions

This is one of the main metadata-editing screens. It is accessible both during the initial registration and through the user login. Here we ask what particular institutions the person is affiliated with and/or works for.

The screen will have consist of several main areas: two lists and one search form.

First, it will list the institutions the user is currently affiliated with. Initially, this list will be empty. Near each listed institution there will be a [remove] button, to allow the user to remove an institution from her list.

Second, on the screen will be a search form to search for the institutions. It will allow to search by the institution name or geographical location. There will be a search keyword input field, a switch to specify searching by name or location, and a [Search] button.

Third, there will be a list of institutions found during the last executed search. The user will look for appropriate items in the list. When found an appropriate institution, she would click the [add] button nearby the institution description. This would add the institution to her affiliations list and reload the page. The other institutions in the search results list will still be there after the page reload.

Initially, both institutions lists will be empty, so user will be invited to use the search.

For the case when the user didn't find her institution in the database, she will be invited to try another search and there will be a link to the Submit an Institution Info screen.

On an initial registration the [next page >>] button will lead to Contributions Profile.

When accessed through a login (by a registered user) [return to the main menu] button will take user back to Welcome Menu screen.

This is Affiliation and Employment Profile. It is part of The Screens, which is part of ACIS Manual.

It is mentioned in: Additional personal data screen: name variations and areas of interest, Contributions Profile, Submit an Institution Info.

Persistent URL:

It is referenced from: Additional personal data screen: name variations and areas of interest, Contributions Profile, Submit an Institution Info.